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鹰狮e系列 is a new fighter aircraft system. Developed to counter and defeat advanced future threats, the E-series is for customers with more pronounced threats or wider territories to secure.
鹰狮E carrying Meteor missiles.
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Intuitive HMC with AI, enabling the pilot to make quick and correct decisions.


鹰狮E 鹰狮F 鹰狮海上
最大起飞重量16500 kg 16500 kg16500 kg
最大推力 98 kN98 kN98 kN
战斗转变 10 - 20分钟 10 - 20分钟10 - 20分钟
空中加油 是的是的是的
毛瑟BK27毫米枪 是的-是的

鹰狮E -游戏规则改变者

Designed to defeat any adversary. Made for forward-thinking air forces, 鹰狮E incorporates cutting-edge technologies, 最新的系统, 传感器, weapons and pods to ensure combat advantage, delivering air superiority in highly contested environments. Silent networking and total sensor fusion across a tactical air unit to blind and confuse the enemy. One aircraft active, the others go passive. Together the team gets the first missile launch opportunity and the first kill. 鹰狮E re-defines the rules of the game.

鹰狮E has the powerful GE F414G engine, great range and the ability to carry an impressive payload with its ten hard-points. 它也有一个新的有源相控阵雷达, InfraRed 搜索 and Track System (IRST), highly advanced electronic warfare and communication systems. The E-series redefines air power for the 21st century by extending operational capabilities.

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鹰狮E -传感器
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鹰狮E - 4舰
Adapt -更新

We envisioned 鹰狮E to be an extension of the pilot’s mind and body, and we achieve it through advanced 人机协作 (HMC). The concept speaks for itself: Human and machine work seamlessly together to achieve mission success. 

鹰狮的嵌入式人工智能能力及其面向未来的座舱设计,其特点是广域显示器(WAD)。, 促进飞行员的决策过程,并在复杂的任务中提供关键的协助. The WAD presents the information in a user-friendly way, which supports the pilot’s ability to select, launch and guide weapons in perfect coordination with other members of a tactical air unit.

Decisive Information Advantage

Fighter pilots need to have full awareness of the situation to be able to see first, understand first and act first, to maintain the combative edge over the adversary. 在竞争激烈的环境中, 这 is the difference between being able to engage or being forced to abort. 鹰狮的传感器套件提供跨域数据收集和前所未有的网络化传感器融合水平. 

Information is quickly analyzed and shared in real-time, enabling critical decisions to be rapidly implemented, ensuring tactical superiority.
所有 information collected by the tactical unit and other available battlefield 传感器 is also vital, 这需要联系起来, processed and presented in an accurate way. 这种优越的态势感知能力为“鹰狮”E提供了确保任务成功和平台生存能力所需的战术优势.


今天’s battlefield is highly complex, 有争议和敌意, 鹰狮有能力穿透敌人的反介入区并破坏其执行能力. 鹰狮E的综合尖端电子战系统结合了各种进攻和防御措施来破坏敌人的努力,同时保护自己以确保高生存能力. Gripen does real-time signal analysis and countermeasures management, as well as extensive electronic intelligence (ELINT) signal collection to vanquish any rival.


鹰狮E has 10 hard-points; offers the best in class weapons and pods from around the world; and has an unrivalled ease of stores integration. 鹰狮E can conduct air-to-air, air-to-surface and reconnaissance missions. 通过携带多达7枚流星超视距空对空导弹和2枚视距内IRIS-T导弹来实现制空权. 像这样的武器, combined with the ability to use offensive and defensive means simultaneously, 使“鹰狮”E能够进行探测, engage and suppress or destroy targets effectively.


从一开始, 鹰狮E was designed for ease of maintenance that secures higher availability than its competitors. 鹰狮E can operate in extreme climates and from dispersed and unprepared road bases or airstrips. 它只需要不到20分钟的时间,只有有限数量的地勤人员和设备来为一次空对空任务加油和重新武装鹰狮, which ensures rapid re-engagement. With low maintenance requirements per flight hour, 鹰狮E spends less time on the ground and more time in the air.


鹰狮E has the capability to fully operate with allied joint forces in the air, 在陆地和海上. The ease of weapon integration, 通用通信系统和网络数据链的使用使“鹰狮”E成为可互操作喷气式战斗机的明智选择.


在现代战争中,确保对强大对手的技术优势是取得成功的最关键因素, and Gripen’s capability to master new threats by evolving continuously redefines the rules of the game. Gripen’s users can fight Day 1 of a conflict, then learn and adapt its software applications to secure combat advantage for Day 2. 聪明,对吧?

鹰狮的革命性航空电子设计将任务系统功能与飞行关键软件分离,以适应新的作战需求,并在不影响重新认证需求的情况下支持平稳的能力增长. As soon as new technology becomes available, Gripen can be updated accordingly to ensure continuous capability growth. 这改变了广泛而昂贵的中期升级模式,这种升级给竞争对手的战斗机机队的可用性带来了负担.

鹰狮E’s avionic system has forever made “fighter generations” a thing of the past

With 鹰狮E we decided early on to embrace the speed of technological change. The new avionics system in 鹰狮E allows to make software updates within hours. 听丹妮拉说, one of Saab’s avionics experts as she explains why we don’t talk about fighter generations any more.

击败任何威胁. 在任何地方.

鹰狮E avoids detection by acting silent or suppressing enemy capabilities. Its advanced electronic warfare system, similar to an electronic shield, allows disruption of the enemy’s ability to function effectively. 这既可以用于协助摧毁敌人的资产,也可以简单地减少敌人的行动能力.


Drone photo of serial 鹰狮E jet fighters.
A four ship formation of 鹰狮E jet fighters for both the Swedish and 巴西ian 空军.
鹰狮E jet fighter armed with IRIS-T and Meteor missiles.
A 巴西ian 鹰狮E jet fighter.
A 巴西ian 鹰狮E jet fighter.
The 巴西ian 空军 has ordered 36 鹰狮E/F fighters.

鹰狮海上 - The future of naval air power


鹰狮海上 is part of the 鹰狮e系列. We are establishing 鹰狮海上 as its new generation carrier-based fighter for the future. Intended for both CATOBAR and STOBAR operations, “鹰狮”海上战斗机的尺寸和飞行/机库甲板机动性将在所有舰载作战方面提供一种简单而坚固的战斗机. 它的后勤占地面积小,备件库存减少,这将使其更易于维护,所需人员也比现有的机队少得多.


“鹰狮”海事战斗机将满足或超过全球海上快速喷气式飞机运营商的所有操作要求. 战斗机可以在高湿度条件下操作,并且设计能够承受盐水进入的腐蚀作用. The GE 414G engine is fully marinised for embarked operations.



First flight 巴西ian 鹰狮E


鹰狮e系列, users secure forward-thinking capabilities to determine the rules of engagement. Born to fight any adversary, Gripen defines combat in a smarter way.

  • 鹰狮E’s agile avionics allows users to fight day one of a conflict, learn and adapt software applications to secure a combat advantage for day two.
  • The suite of advanced 传感器 delivers cross-domain data gathering and fusion. Information is analysed and shared in real time ensuring information superiority.
  • Operations are secured by ease of maintenance and high availability. 鹰狮可以在极端气候和分散的道路基地中操作,以保持最大的力量准备状态.
鹰狮E - series ordered, Sweden 60 and 巴西 36.

Delivering survivability in highly contested environments

鹰狮E’s powerful EW System can be used offensively for Electronic Attack missions.
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Controlling the Electromagnetic spectrum - creating air dominance

Decisive Combat Capability created by the 鹰狮E’s state-of-the-art 电子战 System

电子战(EW)通常是指涉及使用电磁(EM)和定向能(DE)效应器的军事行动. 几十年来, 现代电子战已经从简单干扰雷达和无线电通信系统的时代突飞猛进. 今天, it is often perceived to be about sensing and seeing, deceiving and denying to ensure efficient mission survivability. 然而, in the highly contested and rapidly changing mission environments of the future, 这, 也许不再是真的?

Read more about 鹰狮E's EW system


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